Homepage Tips to Have ‘Em at Hello

Do you want people to contact you for coaching — or at least hop on your email list for possible future clienthood? Then, you’ve gotta win em over from the second they land. 

Like a movie, book, or YouTube video — the first bit of content must grab your attention, get you intrigued and lead you in.

So, what exactly is the homepage’s job?

The homepage should tell visitors WHAT your site is, WHY they should be there, and WHERE to begin. 

Ideally, it evokes an emotional response from your visitor.

For example:

  • It should be inspiring if your clients want to escape their boring job.
  • It should be warm and caring if your clients are timid and need to feel safe.
  • It should be empowering if your clients could use a feeling of confidence — that they can do it!

Remember, you’re the coach who is going to turn their world around, help them come out of the dark, or make brave moves at work. So you oughta connect with their emotions.

My tip this week is to pull together a concise but powerful statement of what you do so your homepage has punch, including:

  • A simple phrase of who makes a good client.  bored office workers, burnt-out biz owners, or people suffering from existential crises.
  • The big important outcomes your clients want to realize — like finding an inspiring workplace, firing up their unstoppable zest for biz they once had, or finding soul-satisfying meaning and joy every day.

The words, the story, the message are arguably more vital than the tech and visuals when it comes to websites. I wrote a lot about website engagement and content for coaches in my book, The Coaching Website Guide. Might be handy for you.

And yes, I know as a coach you can coach anyone on any challenge. Coaching doesn’t require one to have intimate know-how about the client’s problems, goals, or world.

But, try running around telling folks, “I can make your dreams come true” or “I can solve your difficult problems”  and see how that goes. Heh ;P

Some people might respond well to that, but in my experience, the closer and sooner you can get to a tangible, real, relatable struggle, the better. 

Remember that the client is one paying the bills, and it’s their decision whether to hire you or not — and to hire you as their coach, it has to be worth it.

Coaching with you has to (from the client’s perspective) make good sense, be valuable, and exciting (or inspiring, moving, worthwhile).

Coaching is a tough sell, clients don’t get it, and you’ve gotta position it around THEM … so start that with a juicy write-up of what you do at the top of your homepage.

More tips, tricks, tools, and tales of website creation, traffic building, and generating leads online over at:


Free coffee if you catch me in the material world, which would be summertime in New Zealand or New York — or on the flight between and stopover in Hawaii. 

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