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[/sixcol_one] [sixcol_five_last]Today, we’re going to dig into 10 gremlins who are just itching to stop your website from going live. They are tricky little creatures and I want you to be ready for them 😉

If any of these meddlesome monsters have derailed your efforts in the past, share your story in the comments. You know misery loves company ;P

Enjoy! ~ Kenn[/sixcol_five_last][/box]

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10 Website Gremlins that Stop You from Launching Your Website

Say hello to 10 gremlins fighting for their chance to ruin your website project 😉

website project gremlins
Building your website can feel like climbing a mountain. An overwhelmingly huge, scary project.

And I’ve seen many coaches struggle for months to years, full of frustration, trying to get it done.

I’ve even been there myself, as a web designer – stuck on projects for both myself and for clients.

Being stuck sucks and it’s a total biz mojo drainer.  We don’t want that.

Instead, the thing we really want is a smooth process to get our websites up, making them engaging, authentic and even exciting for our visitors.

We want a professional website we’d be proud to share with everyone.

And you should have that to make your marketing job easier. To make finding clients easier.

Ok, that being said, let’s up your awareness about these gremlins that wreak havoc on your project.

Website Gremlin #1: Shiny-Object Syndrome

This is where you’re busy chasing the latest neat app, plugin, tool or software, thinking it’s the best thing since sliced bread. ;P

shiny object syndromeYes, chasing the latest gizmo or gadget can keep your website from ever going live.

And the shiny objects are endless because after a week of figuring out how they work, a hundred more jump on the scene.

And they all seem so alluring – as if you can’t live without them.

But you can. And you must!

To beat it, the key is to figure out the few tools you do need and say no to the rest.

Website Gremlin #2: Perfectionism

You’ll know this beast is at work when you just can’t seem to get things right. You second guess and guess and guess and … months go by 😉

website gremlin 2

We can attach a lot of worth to our coaching businesses. Rightfully so because …

  • We’ve got income to earn and mouths to feed
  • We’ve got dreams to realize for our happiness
  • We’ve got friends and family watching
  • Failing is not fun

It’s no wonder why your website has to be just perfect.

But you and I both know that perfection is an unreachable destination.

How do you stop perfectionism? Recognize when it kicks in and mentally let go of it. Adopt the notion of allowing yourself to be humble, be human, and be allowed to make mistakes. If that doesn’t work, try telling yourself that “perfect” is going to include a launch date – that is your new definition of perfect is “your best work that actually gets out there” and slap a hard deadline to the project. 😉

Website Gremlin #3: Tech Issues

If you’re going grey or see fistfuls of hair on the floor, you’re probably wasting days trying to fix tech stuff, calling support and getting nowhere.

website gremlin 3Yep, they happen. They suck.

Not only can they be frustrating, but you can feel totally helpless as to how to go about solving them.

And they can appear to be the simplest of things to fix yet a week will go by with back-n-forth with tech support, getting nowhere.

To minimize tech headaches, avoid complex software, keep things simple, ask support for help. Do not spend hours researching answers and being upset. 

Website Gremlin #4: Over-Researching (Over-Thinking)

website gremlin 4If your brain is in pain and you can’t seem to ignore all the great articles, ideas, newsletters and templates out there, you’re probably taking in more info than you need – and getting nothing done.

You can spend forever researching about how to get your website up and go cross-eyed.

There’s so much info out there. And every day, there’s more and more. It’s endless.

You just need to get some quick, good advice from those who have already gone before and implement.

To stop the madness, set a deadline for your project and get crystal clear on exactly what you want your site to be like. Aim for less. Go lean.

Website Gremlin #5: Writer’s Block

You try to write and either can’t get started or the ideas are too many and you can’t pull it all together. You hit the wall.

website gremlin 5You can easily get stuck on content because:

  • You don’t know what to write
  • You don’t know who you’re writing to
  • You have too many ideas
  • You want to make sure you are writing for the client and not trying to “explain coaching”
  • You want to be engaging, not boring
  • You think you are not a good writer

My best tip for getting good content up, especially if you’re stuck, is to get clear on the content you need to write. Map out all of the pages and email messages.

To get past the block, get clear on the content you need, aiming for less if needed, and set a rock-solid deadline you won’t miss. 

Website Gremlin #6. The Fear of Being Judged

Putting your website, yourself out there, to the public, especially if you’re more of a private person or introvert is certainly uncomfy. People will check you out. Sadly, it’s safer to just never go live.

website gremlin 6Putting yourself out there with the label of professional coach can be a little unsettling.

People don’t know what coaching really is and you may be a little nervous about having to give a clumsy explanation.

Also, many new coaches feel a little fraudulent due to lack of experience.

This gremlin keeps you getting things done to defer the pain of being judged.

How do you kick it to the curb? You could  just be brave. You could just do it anyway. You could get clearer on your dreams so that they are bigger than any fears. You could also heed the advice from so many who feared the same – and they say that nothing bad has ever happened. I personally like to set a short, challenging but doable launch date and put some risk on the table if I don’t launch. That usually does the trick ;P

But I’ll add in one more thing, that may work for some of you who are natural givers. Just remember, that every day that goes by, some person on this planet will continue to struggle painfully because YOU haven’t yet showed up on their radar. They are waiting for you to launch, market, and find them! Get out there for THEM! 

Website Gremlin #7. Sheer Overwhelm

If you haven’t started, all the information out there can bury you before lifting a finger. If you’re midway, it can be even worse with more info and ideas piling up. You’re overwhelmed.

website gremlin 7The perceived size of a website creation project can be mountainous. Huge.

From design to tech, to branding and content, there’s just so much to learn, to think about, to plan for and to actually do.

There’s also a tendency for hard-working employee types to try and do it all themselves, which piles the workload high.

You need some good shortcuts and fast learning to get the job done.

To handle website overwhelm, the best thing to do is to create a clear outline (sitemap) of your website including visual, content, and functionality you need. Then, assess what resources you have at hand to create that. Add a timeline for completion and find a way to stay accountable to getting it done.

Website Gremlin #8: The Disappearing Designer Act

This is when your web person mysteriously disappears. It’s the oddest thing but it does happen. And you’re left with a half-finished mess.

website gremlin 8Sadly, many designers under-price themselves which may seem great for you, but it isn’t.

Their low fees are just not sustainable and they end up working on the newest project because there’s a big, initial, I-can-now-buy-food-and-survive deposit.

(Yes, you’re up against someone else’s survival instincts.)

And the unfinished projects get low priority – namely yours.

Then you end up with slow responses from the designer and progress stalls.

How to get past this? If you do hire someone, get a true professional with a track record of completing work. Start with a clear outline for the site: features, pages, functionality, etc. Set a target launch date and avoid the lowest cost provider. 

Website Gremlin #9: Stuck on Your Niche

The whole idea of choosing a niche is a confusing zoo of it’s own. And the fears that surround niches make it all the more “fun.” I mean paralyzing.

website gremlin 9Yes, you could be worried that your niche isn’t specific enough, or too specific, or you’re over-thinking it, or that you haven’t found the perfect one yet.

The struggle with a coaching niche is one big reason I recommend keeping your site lean and launching fast so you can get it out there and gauge the response.

Find out if people will respond to it.

It’s infinitely better to do your best with one of your niche ideas now and see if it will stick than to continue struggling on for months.

Key to beating this gremlin is to remind yourself this is just a test. Pick one niche idea, and give yourself a time frame to launch your site, get it out there, and see if you can’t get traction. Be sure that you do have a solid call-to-action on your site so you can actually measure.

Website Gremlin #10: Endless Design

There’s an unlimited number of things to add, edit, or tweak when it comes to websites. And each day, you’ll find even more. Better skip sleep for a few weeks. ;P

website gremlin 10It’s too easy to keep tweaking your website for design (or content or functionality) until you are “happy with it”.

Happiness never happens because there will always be more ideas to consider.

Yes, your website is a work in progress. 

To avoid this challenge, get a clear picture of what you want your site to be. Get a clear vision for the content, pages, and interactivity. Define “done for now”. Launch. Test. Then consider what’s next.

Have any of these craze-making critters ever curtailed you in the past? Share your story below.

I’d love to hear from you. I’m actively watching these comments to make sure you’re getting answers as you gear up to build your website. Just post below.[/sixcol_four] [sixcol_one_last]..[/sixcol_one_last]