1-Screen Visual Appeal Trick for Easier Reading
To make your pages easier to read, make it visually more interesting with headlines, bulleted lists, and shorter paragraphs. The reason is that on the Web, we prefer to scan, search, and quick-read blocks of text as opposed to reading line by line as in a book.
So, here are two screenshots of content designed differently. Which do you prefer?
Example 1 – Straight blocks of text.
Example 2 – Broken, bolded, headlined, bulleted text, etc
Things you can do:
- Use headings
- Use bold (the first sentence is often good)
- Use italics
- Use indents such as quotes
- Use images
- Use bulleted lists (this is a good one)
- Make paragraphs short
- Use white space between paragraphs
Be sure to keep your ideas and thoughts well grouped and organized of course. And avoid over-organizing content.
As I love hearing my Aussie clients say … “Cheers, mate!”