Kenn in green hoodie

Carving out time can be tough.

Carving out time can be tough.

That feeling of “being too busy” can be scary because time does fly by.

Weeks, months, and even years seem to pass by without much progress.

It’s frightening, actually. 

But what if you could take advantage of time?

What if you could find small, doable tasks that grow your business “over time.”

Tasks that you might actually enjoy, that are critical to your business? 

And what if a few months went by and you felt great about progress — followers, traffic, new contacts, and clients? 

So, how do you find these KEY TASKS and make them an ENJOYABLE HABIT?

1. Find time that you can recycle. It’s easier than you think.

2. Look closely at your business to see what’s most vital. 

3. Find the task that’ll help this area of your business the most.

4. Find “your way” of doing  the task that you will enjoy.

Though a web designer by title, my clients LOVE having me on their team to make the most of their time.

If “busy-ness” seems to make time fly by for you; maybe we need to have a chat and find a better way.

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