Does the idea of selling coaching give you the heebie jeebies?
“I have to sell coaching.” Does that give you the heebie jeebies?
Hehe … if so …
Consider this thought, “Don’t sell to people. Just coach them big. It’s what you LOVE doing anyhow.”
This is because …
People don’t want to be sold to.
They don’t even want to buy.
They want to join a tribe — and that should be YOUR TRIBE.
Your tribe is all of your active clients — people who are pursuing important matters, transformations, life changes, career growth, health improvements, wealth, love, and all.
Your tribespeople are on missions that you coach them on.
That’s your tribe, and it’s worth a lot to be a part of it.
The usual “What do you want to work on today?” starter that many coaches do when offering a free sessions is cool and all. But I’d save that for later because it doesn’t go big enough.
With potential clients, go bigger — and find THEIR HILL to climb.
Find out what’s BIG for them — be it dealing with a long-standing painful problem or pursuing a lofty goal — or both! The combo is a powerful motivator.
Here’s a little religious metaphor to help you go BIG — a tale of two futures:
* The valley of death (if they don’t change course now, where will they end up?)
* The heavenly hilltop (if they start taking action now, where could they go?)
Take time to look at both of those futures with potential clients, after you’ve warmed up to each other of course 😉
As you talk to people, it’s good to listen deeply, be inquisitive, and get to know their situation in detail. TO EXCITE them about joining your TRIBE, find out their valley of death (feared future) and heavenly hilltop (future dreams).
in the future.
There’s certainly more to an offer for coaching, including the semantics, sessions, price, etc. But, that all comes secondary.
The reason I left my comfy, fruitful corporate job 24 years ago was because:
* Valley of death — I felt pain from boredom and feeling trapped doing something that didn’t use my talents and long commutes for 40 years.
* Heavenly hilltop — I’ll run through walls to realize a dream of traveling the world doing creative work, while earning a good income.
That’s what got me going — and why I left the corporate world and took on the challenge. The difference is what made me commit.
✍ 🤓 🏖
PS — If you like this kind of content, inspiring you to take action to get out there and reach clients, then I think you’ll LOVE my upcoming PDF Playbook — Visibility Builder, for reaching new clients and getting them to ASK YOU to coach them.
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