How to Get Clients From Your List

Remember, websites are no good if they aren’t bringing some sort of clear, specific, measurable result to you … unless you just want something pretty to show off to people.

how to get clients from your email list

And one result most coaches want, especially those growing their practice, is to generate new client leads.

The big picture dream here is to build up your  client base so that you have a steady supply of paying clients – typically 10 at your full rate  will get you 50-100k if you’re in the US. Also, you can handle them with part-time hours you choose, and have the flexibility to work when and where you want.

The possibilities that such flexibility provide are awesome, I have to say.

For me, being able to visit cities around the world for months at a time has been nothing short of amazing.

I remember one 10-week trip to Puerto Vallarta Mexico.

It’s a beach town where I hit Starbucks in the morning to handle clients, hit the beach whenever I wanted, and hung out with friends, local and visiting to do fun stuff: dinners, boat rides, getaways, etc.

I’m part Filipino, so my pacific islander genes need plenty of sun and a good ocean dunk now and again.

What would you do for fun if you had a full list of clients and had more ready to go if needed?

Go ahead and day-dream 😉

But, yeah, the tough part is getting there.

If you’ve tried to sell coaching to people who don’t really know or trust you, then you know it can be a bit tough.

Most clients you get, especially to start, will know and trust you already, and that’s the key.

As you’ve seen others do, growing your email list with potential clients is a great way to win trust and turn those curious folks into hot leads.

The strategy here is to grow your list to turn strangers into friends and then into paying clients.

The more you get this going, the easier it is to fill your practice, and the higher the rate you can charge (not that we need to overcharge, but we certainly don’t want to be stuck at low rates that don’t cut it).

So today’s blog post is about this question: How do we get those people on our lists into a phone call with us so we can give them that strategy session and sign them up as a client?

So, let’s say you’ve built your website, started getting out there, and begun growing your list.

Let’s say you’ve been sending some articles to your list, handy tips and related great resources.

Awesome! You’re working it just like you should.

To drum up new leads from your list use this three step process …

1. Send a one time email to your list.

This is not a follow-up message that you automate to go out X days after they sign up. But rather a one-time email offer.

2. In the email, craft an offer to get your strategy session

Remember, your strategy session is the 1-hour phone consultation you have with them to help them with their goals as well as offer coaching to them. It’s your client-enrollment call.

When you outline your offer, be sure to point out value in it like “creating an action plan” or “finding blockers to success”.

3. Limit the offer as an “event”

This is important because offers that sit around are not exciting. People will just choose to “not decide” or “decide later” and then just never choose.

Plus, the reality is that you don’t have time or energy to take on everyone, just the number of people you want.

One of my students in the website course I offer only wanted a handful of high-end, high-paying clients due to the intense nature of her coaching services.

You’ll need to know what your number is, and 10 is a good one for many coaches.

So, in the email, you’ll want to say something like this …

[quote]This strategy session is at no cost to you But you need to respond in two days because I am only doing these calls next week and I only have room for 5 more clients. Afterwards I will charge for these sessions and rate is $175.[/quote]

Note: use “no cost” instead of the word free because free will get your email blocked.

It’s also good to tie the offering to something current. If it’s the new year, then mention in the offer you will help them, “make this your best year yet.”

Or, if summer is coming and you’re coaching around weight-loss or fitness, mention, “let’s trim you up fast for the summer.”

This event based offer needs to be a one-time deal so people will forced to decide which gets you more clients than a lingering weak offer.

Here’s a funny story …

One of my clients, a business coach for builders had added a handful of clients with one email to his list.

Granted, this was after we had built a great site for him, started finding places his clients were hanging out online, and started religiously getting in front of them.

His list grew and trust grew as well due to helpful articles. And as you can guess, clients just started showing up, faster and faster.

Make sense?

Key lessons ….

1. List-building gets trust and clients love hiring coaches they trust.

2. You MUST invite and motivate people to contact you, it’s too easy to do nothing and too easy to sit around waiting for clients with the idea that “hey, if they need a coach and know of me, they’ll contact me.” Be active.

3. Limit your offers in various ways – above is a time based offer as well as a limit on number of clients you’ll take on. It’s not only a smart marketing move but it’s reality – you aren’t sitting on your bum waiting for people to make up their minds. You’ve got dreams and goals!

In the course, Client-Attracting Websites, I help students setup their websites so they can get traffic, grow their lists, build their image and apply either of the two approaches above to generate leads from their list – their trusted, raving fans. You get videos, support and more. Enrollment opens this Friday.

How’s your offer looking? Got one? Need to craft one? How about you take 2 minutes write now and draft one up and post it below? Let’s see if we can enhance it.


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