Having a heart attack about posting online?
Does publishing a blog or posting to Facebook, or doing a video on YouTube video send chills down your spine?
That’s fear.
Perhaps for good reason, as your image (warm, trustworthy, talented) coach is important if you want to form healthy relationships (like meeting potential clients).
This fear of being visible online can halt you from getting out to reach those people who dearly need your help.
Nothing significantly bad ever happened to me in 20+ years of sharing content. There were a few moments where a comment put me off, and I’ve definitely put others off — often to my own surprise. Maybe a handful of times.

It eases me when I realize that online content can reach thousands of people — so it’s inevitable that others will have differing perspectives and reactions.
EVERY coach I’ve ever met is a good person, out to help folks genuinely. I think proceeding with that positive juju vibe is something you can hold on to as you get visible.
So, I just want to encourage you to post online if that’s your marketing plan — to be helpful, and supportive and share your story, ideas, and wisdom in the spirit of doing good for your clients.
Remember that person in need of your coaching services, and how great their lives will be having connected with you.