How to Mix Blogging, LinkedIn, and SEO so You Can Attract New Coaching Clients Online

There’s a good chance that you met me either by searching online, running into me on LinkedIn, or having stumbled upon one of my blog posts. 

That’s because I use a simplistic content marketing approach to do this, which I briefly outline below.

But first, the challenge many coaches face when approaching their business, marketing, and the Web. 

What I’ve found is that lots of talented coaches have:

* Lots of good ideas and insights about their area of coaching (careers, well being, etc)
* Struggle to get them down on paper in a readable format (or video)
* Have built up lots of credibility over the years in training, roles, supporting others
* Are super talented, poised for greatness — if they can get the word out
* A little bit of fear, confusion, and overwhelm about implementing the Web

Ideally, I’d like to see your “content marketing”

I wish I could wave a magic wand and make you able to:

  • Get ideas out of your head and into a digital form for sharing
  • Put that wisdom down in an enjoyable, readable format
  • Get it to people who really need your help
  • Choose good topics and keywords, so the material spreads online (Google)
  • Get it out intentionally to places where more clients are (this is research and follow-up work)

I love using content for marketing because it’s the essence of the Web. 

Good content builds your credibility high, deservedly so. It gets shared. It attracts clients. It can be reused over and over if it’s good. 

But getting the content out of your head and onto the Web is the trick.

It’s tough to do because of head games like fear, worry, or procrastination. It’ll likely take some work because you’ve never done it before — so there’s new learning too. 

The key to getting past the blockers above and on your way is to start small. Keep it simple. Organically, naturally, and enjoyably grow it. Water it. Nurture it. 

OH! And I LOVE using LinkedIn, especially for executive and career coaches because it’s THE platform for business professionals.

It’s the right space for networking. So having a solid profile there (image, recommendations, articles, write-ups) is tremendous. 

Also, Google likes credible sources of information. 

Here are the steps for getting blogging, LinkedIn, and SEO going so you can get seen by new clients.

I’ll super-simplify it for a fledgling start. You can definitely grow it.

  1. Each week, think of a single challenge (struggle/problem/issue) that you or your clients face. 
  2. Explain the nuances of the struggle. 
  3. Share a few tips/ideas/questions to help folks overcome it.
  4. Think of a keyword phrase that relates to this topic and get that into the title and content. 
  5. Post this small article to your website.
  6. Share it on your LinkedIn profile.
  7. Send it out to your email list.

Yes, this does assume you have a website. If not, start with your LinkedIn profile only as you build your website (think business platform). 

But they key is to start a weekly habit. (By the way, did yall read Atomic Habits by James Clear?)

Marianne Welsh doubled her income by simply sharing tips weekly to her network. 

Results came in about two months, and continue to build.

Her career coaching business in the UK leverages the stuff in her head (content, stories, ideas) and a few short 30-minute tasks to compile and share the wisdom. 

If you stay stick to good topics (remember: challenges), get it out in well-chosen places, and pay a little attention to keywords, then this marketing habit will bring more traffic and leads. 

Naturally, organically share your insights and watch clients show up.

When I work with coaches, I build/enhance their websites while guiding them on producing weekly content. We scale up the system up organically until the practice is full.

It does help to have someone like me on hand, a web guy who gets coaches, but you can (and should) always start with the assets and resources you have. 

Clients are out there, around every corner, one or two connections away. They are struggling in one way or another and need support.

If only they knew about you. 

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