Instead, Think Adventure — How To Market Your Coaching

Can we change “Marketing Campaign” to “Marketing Adventure”?

It’ll help you find your way online …

Decades ago, I found the phrase “marketing campaign” to be yucky. It felt jargony and meaningless — up until now.

[Begin Kennsplaning …]

In the olden days of my little biz ops, I did “marketing campaigns,” but I never used that phrase.

I just “did stuff” (posts, emails, SEO, and more) and clients discovered me, inquired, and then they hired me.

Things worked.

These days, when I strategize (for my clients) on how we can get them out there, we put some BRAIN POWER into it — to make it evergreen, viral, smart, enjoyable, authentic … all that brainstorming.

So, we don’t just “do stuff” anymore — we are more intent.

And thus, “marketing campaign” kinda fits well because …

1. It’s timed.

So we make an effort to stretch like 4 weeks, 3 months, or 5 days, whatever client-attraction effort is going to be. Generally, I like shorter but it depends on the situation.

2. It’s tracked.

Getting numbers helps you see the results and know if it’s working. Then, you can improve, stop, scale, or let it run. At the least, you’ll be happy to see progress to keep you moving. Though, a part of the strategy does include REWARD that comes simply by doing the task.

3. It’s automatable/repeatable to a degree.

While some work may be creative, like a weekly article, you mostly can find ways to offload, reduce, or automate the hard, time-consuming, clunky stuff and use technology to make it better.

But!!! Can we use “Marketing Adventure”?

If you’re like me, and jargony biz phrases put you off, then think of it as a “Marketing Adventure” with a destination, a likely path, and a way to see progress.

And should be fun, exciting, and meaningful.

Wuddya say?

💻 ☕ 💡


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