The trick to getting clients with your website is to think “SYSTEM”

A system has INPUTS and OUTPUTS.

Like an ice cream machine — in goes fruit, cream, ice — and out comes the YUMMM!!!!

Your website is a part of your so-called “marketing.”

And for that system to work, you have inputs like …

* social posts,
* keyword blogs,
* manual outreach,
* paid advertising,
* article marketing
* strategic partnerships
* running down the street nekkid with your domain name tattooed on buttocks
* (so many more)

The INPUTS brings people INTO the system.

Your website engages, educates, inspires and leads people with copy, pages, emails, videos, buttons to ultimately a purchase like 1-1 coaching, group program, product, membership, etc.

Those are the STEPS in the system.

With steps, there are NUMBERS that show if it’s working.
This is conversion, people making it through steps.

Common numbers include reach your posts, traffic to website, new subscribers, free session requests, and new paying clients.

If you’re not sure what to do next, what’s working, or where to focus, then figure out what SYSTEM (even if it’s clunky) you’ve got, and get some NUMBERS.

I think this help you figure it out.

#webdesign #clientattraction #strategy

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