Building websites for coaches around the world since 2003

My clients love having me “on the team” to keep things simple, speed up progress, and help them generate new client leads.


A 2 minute video, off-the-cuff.

We should follow our passions, pursue our interests, and leverage our talents.

Though change can be difficult, staying still is hard, too. So, you might as well take action towards something better.

Better-fitting roles are rewarding and enjoyable. They’re not only good for your soul but good for the world too.

In 2001, I left a comfy corporate job for something better. Here’s my story of how I became a website designer for coaches.

Here’s THE KEY to Great Websites

People will check you out online. A clunky, boring, ugly website will hurt your credibility and thus reduce your ability to find clients.

But it gets worse …

If you’re not proud of your website, you’ll hesitate to put your name out there, hurting your efforts to reach new clients.

You should have a website you can’t shut up about.
AND it should help you attract new clients.

Your website should be easy to use, lightning-fast, and look top-notch. It should reflect you authentically and show the value you bring as a coach.

People need to get excited and engage with your content —join your email list, comment on blogs, connect with you, and ultimately ask for your help.

So how do you make such a website to support your business?

The key is to “design to attract.”

Make sure that everything on your website is chosen to help clients see you as the coach they should be working with.

inspire visitors to become clients

I provide web design, write blogs, and support coaches to get visible online so they can find new clients and grow their incomes.

I mostly build websites for coaches. Often, I develop visibility plans to generate leads. And sometimes support DIY-ers to build their own websites.

My PDF book, The Coaching Website Guide, is a juicy resource to keep on hand, as you establish your online presence.

My blog has tech, content, design, and marketing articles too.

Hop on my email list for weekly tips from the design trenches. Learn from me as I help coaches around the world.

Where You May Have Seen Me

Top Web Design Voice on LinkedIn.
Connect with me on LinkedIn for lightweight, day-to-day talk about websites for coaches.

The Coaches Support Group.
I support coaches at The Coaches Support Group on LinkedIn with my homey EG.

Recipro Coach Partner
I guest post and help coaches at Kerryn Griffith’s ReciproCoach, a collaboration of over 2000 coaches.

The Coaching Tools Company

The Coaching Tools Company
I guest post at The Coaching Tools Company and support coaches at the Coaches Helping Coaches FB group.

International Coach Federation
I’ve been a supporting member of the ICF and wrote this post,
Three Keys to a Coaching Website that Attracts Clients.

Creator Award at Gumroad
I’m a creator at Gumroad, a popular platform for selling digital stuff. I won an award back in 2016 for my book.

My Book is on Amazon.com
My book, The Coaching Website Guide V4, is available in print at Amazon.com.

Meet the Team

New York / New Zealand / South Africa
Chasing the sun and helping coaches.
High-tech, digital marketing team.

meet the team