The Other Best Word to Use on Your Coaching Website
I was taught in John Caple’s book, Tested Advertising Methods, that the two best words to use in advertising are “free” and “new”. I wrote about the first word, “free,” in this post: One of the Best Words to Use on Your Coaching Site.
Now, let’s talk about “new” …

We all love new things. New ideas. New iPhones. New shoes. New TV episodes. New books from our favorite authors. New blogs from our wise gurus. New cars, people, movies, etc.
New instantly gets our attention. A new post on Facebook by a friend. A new text message. A new piece of mail. New makes us perk up and look.
It’s in our nature to want new experiences. To grow. Expand. A new city. A new love interest. A new movie. New. New. New!
Here are six ways to work “new” into your website and marketing to help you bring in more paying coaching clients.
- Create a new coaching program and launch it on your website, announcing it to your lists, groups, and networks.
- A new feature has been added to your base coaching service, such as unlimited email support. Then, tell everyone: about your networking groups, past clients who are inactive, your Facebook profile, and your email list.
- A new success consultation you offer in January to help people (not yet clients!) kick the new year off right. That consultation opens the possibility of securing them as longer-term paying clients. Announce this offer everywhere.
- Update your free download and now it’s “updated” … much like new. Tell everyone. Sharing your free download with other gurus to give to their list is a sweet move as well.
- A new blog post. Share it all over. Just make sure it’s about something your market wants to read about.
- Put the word “new” on your pages to emphasize those things you’ve added as new. The word itself is magnetic.
As you can see, using “new” is a great way to both: (a) give more value in coaching and (b) have a reason to announce something to your market (marketing).
I should also add a bit of productivity wisdom. You don’t want to create new things that will overwhelm your already full plate. If you’re finding yourself too busy, announcing a new membership site is probably too much. I’ve made this mistake before.
Try small, quick-to-create and implement ideas. I really love the “new feature” approach to enhancing your coaching. You can announce the “NEW two-hour kickoff session that clears sabotaging beliefs and gets you sprinting out of the gates towards success, full steam ahead, and loving it!”
Also, leverage it. For example, if you create a 10-minute questioning exercise that helps people remove a hidden stressor in life and free up creative energy, you can (1) add that to your coaching services AS WELL AS (2) create a blog post on the topic, and (3) add it to your home study kit. You’ve leveraged it as three new things instead of just one.
In conclusion, think of ways you can use the word “new” to both up your business services and as a positive reason to get visible in front of client sources: groups, networks, lists, and social hangouts.