Website Designer for Coaches - Kenn Schroder

Failing to Launch Your Coaching Website?

Failure to launch?

I’m talking about your coaching website.

Oh boy, in the early days of being a web designer, I remember so many website projects that just dragged on forever.

It’s odd how the problem wasn’t clear to me until years later.

But, if you’re building it yourself or hiring a techie/designer/VA, you might be going back and forth endlessly.

It can go on for months. I’ve seen some go over a year.

Oh!! And a third never get it up.

The reasons are many — perfectionism, being stuck on content, the designer doesn’t understand coaching, life being too busy, and the common “disappearing designer” phenomena, and more.

This is why project managers make a good living!

Whatever the reason, I’ve found that creating a detailed website map is vital.

This “sitemap,” as they call it, gives you a final destination to MOVE TOWARDS, and when you get there, you can say, IT’S DONE!

Just like hiking a mountain, it’s vital to know which peak you’re aiming to surmount so your steps aren’t aimless.

And here’s the Cheshire Cat’s advice …

View on YouTube

A “detailed website map,” you say, Kenn?

What should it include?

At the least:

  • the various pages for trust-building
  • the functionality to make it run fast
  • visual elements to give it life
  • the overall flow of content — How will it engage, excite, and lead people to contact you for coaching?

The more specifics, the better.

Hey, if you’re planning a new website, my Website Prep Checklist (free) will give you 10 immediately doable tasks to get the ball rolling on your website project. Momentum is precious.

Also, my book, The Coaching Website Guide, outlines The Pro Coach Website Map, a highly detailed sitemap and content blueprint for coaches who want to attract new clients.

Are you failing to launch? Or, are currently stuck? Tell me about it 😉

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