venn diagram for coaching

How Venn Diagrams Engage Visitors and Show the Value of Coaching

When creating websites for my clients, I love making visuals to express the value of coaching.

These days I mostly do Venn Diagrams, which are circles that intersect, and that intersection is where the good stuff happens.

After studying the diagram, your visitors will learn something new — a mindset shfit for the better — and they become better equipped to succeed.

Here’s a quick example …

In life you make choices. When your actions are both (1) aligned with your truest, deepest core values, and (2) focused on your most important goals in life then you make the most progress.

Look at this …

You’ll notice how this diagram captivates your mind and helps you think better about how your choice of ations.

Venn Diagrams are amazeballs because:

  • They are visually engaging
  • They are simple enough to create
  • They teach your vsiitors something new (very valuable!)

You can use multiple circles, but I find two is plenty.

12 Minute Video on Venn Diagrams

Here’s a video I did on Venn Diagrams a while back.

Get a pen and paper, and roll up your sleeves. When you’re done, tell me about your visuals in the comments.

If you found that video handy, there’s a ton of content-creating treasures in The Coaching Website Guide to make your website engage your ideal client and get them to contact you.

What would be your 2 circles of your Venn Diagram?

Take a pen and paper and sketch out your Venn diagram and upload it in the comments. The first person to post wins Kenn points.

But, seriously, let’s have a look at your work.

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    1. Good one Nana!

      Let’s say the goal is to be independent over 80.

      Then what are two success factors to make that happen?

      One is “Good Support”.
      What would the other one be?