Melissa Rebronja’s Sweet New Website – You Go!
Below is Melissa Rebronja’s website. She is one of the students finished coaching websites from the Great Website Course this past January.
Melissa’s feedback …
I love this course! It’s a powerful combination of everything a coach needs to build an awesome site. The technical is accessible and user friendly. The marketing is beautifully organized in smaller, doable, logical bits. One of the things I enjoyed the most is having Kenn actively inspire with deadlines and be available for anything that comes up for us individually. I am happy and excited I chose to create my site this way. I highly recommend it to anyone.
Personally, I love that …
1. She launched fast, in about 2 weeks.
2. She’s got a great core message. She leveraged the group feedback to help her.
3. Visually, it’s real nice as it adheres to the design tips from the course.
Yep. Great!
Nice job Melissa!
I’d love to hear your thoughts about it. Likes, dislikes, ideas and whatever else comes to mind. Just comment below.
Now that is a nice site. Clean, simple, great call to action
Thanks Kenn!
Thanks everyone for your lovely comments. I am very happy with it. Mostly ’cause it feels like me, and it represents my work. 😉
ps. Kenn please note that my new url is
Yep, saw that new url. Here’s the link everyone:
If you do own the old URL, you should forward it (typically a setting at the registrar/hosting company) to your new one. It’s just like forwarding mail to a new address.
I’ve updated the links above.
Done. Thank you Kenn! 😉
I really like Melissa’s website. It has a great look and feel to it that supports her core message. The questions she uses to begin her core message are very strong. Her content is powerful and I especially like her call to action, which is very inviting.
Thanks Charlotte! 😉
I very much like this website…
I clicked on the blue highlighted Name Melissa…
Looks classy and professional and nice…
Wow, this is the Exact message I teach in my course.
Love yourself so you can love others… etc…
I love what she has written here.,..
Great site, great wording:
Are you getting over a breakup? Struggling in a relationship? Or looking for the ONE? I will help you heal past wounds, find self-confidence, and discover The Real You, so you can find true Love, even if you’ve tried many times before and failed.
Fall in LOVE with your life and Open your heart to new POSSIBILITIES with MELISSA REBRONJA.
You cannot find love before you love yourself.
Thank you so much Mike! 😉
I really like it…it looks clean & crisp, but yet, still feels warm & personable…I like the message, it just gets quickly & easily to the point. Melissa, has a warm & friendly smile, as well…
Well done, Melissa, all in 2 weeks, as well!! Fantastic!!
Thanks for the positive word Annette … looking forward to your site as well.
Well done ! I love it !
Thanks Anna! 😉