Want a successful coaching website? Figure Out Your MWR
One thing I’d spend time on as you plan your website is “the most wanted response.”
What do you want visitors to actually “do” at your website?
Is it contact you for help via a form?
Is it find a spot on your calendar?
Is it to connect with you on social?
Is it to buy your book?
Is it to hop on your list?
This one main “call to action” oughta be the most prominent (consider putting it in the menu as a button and giving it it’s own page).
This call-to-action will depend on what the game plan is for your business — your visibility strategies and the offering you’re selling (which can be simply one-on-one coaching).
Figure out your most wanted response (MWA), and how that will fit into your big-picture strategy for getting clients. And make that call-to-action prominent.

A few examples I’ve seen work …
(I’ve put a link to another plan at the end of this article, a fun post)
You could aim to grow a massive LinkedIn following and, from that, drive people to an invitation to a free 20-min call.
Or, maybe you’ve got a lot of referral partners (people who love what you do and will recommend you if you were to just keep conversations going), and in that case, your website’s call to action could simply be to “get in touch” with you.
Or, you’re only inviting people on your email list to a free Life Strategy Session. Thus your site’s primary goal is to get folks onto that email list.
But to succeed, your website will need to garner action and be able to measure it — toward the result you’re after.
Oh, and here’s the longer post on getting 10 ongoing clients from the web — one strategy you could use.