About Me Pages That Visitors Love
Check your stats, and you’ll find the second most visited page is your About Me Page (the first being your homepage). This is because people want to know, Who is the wizard is behind the curtains — and especially, Why should I work with her?
Your About Me Page (bio page, profile page) can be a powerful tool to build trust and connect deeply with people if you approach it from the right perspective.
In this post, you’ll get my top four tips for writing an About Me Page for a coach’s website. Here we go …
About Me Page Tip #1. Forget About Yourself.
That’s right!
Don’t think about yourself first — your favorite quotes, your pets, or anything else that fascinates you — and instead, begin by thinking about your bestest clients because they are the ones you need to impress.

Think about a specific, unique, single individual, called a persona in user experience design.
Here are some questions to help:
- Who has been one of your favorite clients to date?
- If you could clone one of your clients, who would you choose?
- Who did you look forward to coaching each week?
- Who have you made great progress with?
- Who has been able to pay your fees?
Got some folks in mind? Pick one, and then ask yourself …
- What are his/her biggest frustrations, challenges, and needs?
- What does he/she value in life, work, or relationships?
- What did he/she find incredibly helpful in your work together? (empowerment, motivation, confidence, attitude, honesty, comfort, clarity, other)
- What drew them to you in the first place?
- What did they like best about you as a person?
If you have a testimonial, feedback, or a review from him/her, then whip that out and keep it in front of you as you write your About Me page.
Can you identify the few things he/she found most valuable in working with you? This is the GOLD you’re after.
“Interestingly, writing with a single ideal client in mind will also appeal to the not-so-perfect-fits because the message will be clearer (and thus easier to follow and thus-thus powerful) than writing for a general audience.
Kenn Insight #1 for Bio Page
And remember to forget about yourself, at first, with this quotable:
Your potential clients want success, growth, or results with something they are struggling with. Or, they want to excel, evolve, and change swiftlier and they know the right coach can help them do that. These clients want to know the best stuff you’ve got. So don’t go your About Me page randomly, but judiciously.
Kenn Insight #2 for Bio Pages
Kenn Tip for Starting Your Bio Page
I love starting an About Me Page with a short write-up about this ideal client and the value they stand to gain by working with you. I call this your core message.
Here’s a screenshot of the top of Carol Leek’s About Me Page, where you can see her core message.

I’m a little unfair here because she is aimed at coaches, so I know this message will get you to perk up. That’s marketing.
Does that feel powerful to you? If so, then you’re similar to her best kind of client. You can see her message hones in on confidence, or lack of which is a struggle many can relate to.
I know Carol personally, and she’s a very positive, motivating person, “you can do it!” kind of person, which is a perfect match for her ideal clients.
So, remember this first tip: forget about yourself and think about that great client you’d love to coach. This will make writing easier for you and exciting for visitors.
About Page Tip #2. Share Your Big Inspiring WHY for Becoming a Coach
People care more about WHY you coach than HOW you coach — or even what you do, as Simon Sinek explains in his famous TED talk (I make clients watch this when drafting their About Me pages).
Questions to help you express your deepest WHY:
- What motivated you to become a coach?
- What do you love most about coaching people?
- Was there a special moment in time when you just knew you had to become a coach? What were the specifics of that moment?
- What’s so amazing about coaching?
- How did you first discover coaching?
- How did you transition into coaching?
- What hard decisions have you made in life so that you can pursue coaching?
- Have you had a coach before? If so, what did you LOVE most about your work together?
Got a heap of ideas written down? Great!
KENN CHALLENGE QUESTION: Can you tie any of your big WHY ideas with discoveries about your best kind of clients from tip #1? If so, that’ll be amazeballs.
Clients love coaches who are excited about their work. Bring out your big, passionate WHY for what you do, and let ’em have it on your About Me Page.
About Me Page Tip #3. Share Your Values
Talk about your positive beliefs, deepest values, and life lessons on your About Me Page.

People are drawn to others who have similar beliefs. Telling stories about life challenges and lessons learned is amazeballs for connecting.
For example, if you are a relationship coach and family is a top value for you, definitely write about it. Readers will feel like they’ve known you forever.
More ways to connect deeply and valuably:
- Tell what’s unique about your coaching skills and how it’s valuable to a client
- Share a life experience and the big discovery, and how that’s an asset of yours
- Point out what you believe to be true about people, growth, and success — and how that’s great for clients
- Write about a major failure and what you took away from it, and how that’ll makes you a better coach
Sharing the deep stuff shows transparency, vulnerability, and acceptance — all attractive qualities for clients who want to trust in you.
Being guarded, closed, or afraid will make visitors respond in kind and resist you. Not good for the coaching relationship.
Coaches love the step-by-step writing guides for the various pages in my big book, The Coaching Website Guide.
Tip #4. Highlight Value Everywhere on Your About Me Page
Whatever you add to your About Me Page, point out WHY those things are precious to your clients (remember your bestie from #1 above?).
For example, if you’re trained in walking meditation, definitely tell a little story of how this lead to a major break-through for one past client.
More content ideas (just pick among the best relevant ones):
- Credentials
- Coach training
- Special roles you’ve held
- Schoolings
- Media mentions
- Places you’ve been featured
- Guest appearances
- Speeches or videos
- Awards or recognitions
- Podcasts
- Books or published works
- Accomplishments (marathon?)
- Blogs or articles
- Major life challenges that you overcame
- A related activity like doing yoga if you’re a health coach
Two quick examples of choosing the right stuff…
My client James Saliba, a leadership coach in tech (link opens in a new tab), earned Top 100 Leadership Experts on Twitter for his wisdom. We definitely noted that on his About Me page and added a little visual image to show it on the homepage.

Example 2 …
Another coaching client, Lisa, who helps women at mid-life (link opens in new tab) make a fresh, new start. She is certified in Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Coaching, and we duly noted that on her About Me page, along with a little credibility image on the homepage shown below.

Remember to think back to tip #1 (to focus on your best, ideal client), and then choose which content would be great for your About Me Page.
It’s like customizing a cover letter and resume for a specific job application.
This is in no way false, salesy, or boastful. It’s helpful, and time-saving, and serves your visitors by giving them your best.
So, share your successful business ventures if your clients are budding entrepreneurs and skip that homemade paleo protein cookie recipe you created.
And if you’re a sports performance coach, tell the tale of how you came back from a car accident to win a gold medal and save that best-selling author award for another day.
More About Me Page Examples

Kate – I love how this sleep coach’s about me page goes deep into beliefs and shares her wisdom.
Mary Rosenbaum (past client) – I like how she mixes in her recruiting career to build credibility on her About Me page. Her website was from about 10 years ago, one of my first clients.
Graeme Owen (past client) – Great story of how he became a builder’s business coach, being the son of a builder. This guy is part of the reason I ended up in New Zealand.

Ash Ambirge’s Bio from TheMiddleFingerProject. I like her Notes of Interest section as it’s very readable, fun, and interesting. The other areas are a bit noisy but full of life. I’m sure it’s her brand.

I like the short paragraphs and the direct writing style of Joe Ferrugia, a muscle-fitness-strength guru. It opens with a short sentence about what he does for his clients – nice! See his page here.
The Key To Crafting Your About Me Page

Kenn’s Key Note on About Me Pages
While your About Me Page might seem like the perfect place to indulge in talking about yourself, remember that your visitors (aka potential clients) want to find the perfect coach FOR THEM, so definitely highlight your best on this page, but do so with your bestie client in mind.
I’m not the only guru who says this 😉
My homey EG Sebastian, who started The Coaches Support Group (link opens in a new tab), the biggest group for coaches on LinkedIn, and a long-time mentor to coaches, says it like this …
“I’d say the key is to talk less about yourself – at least in the first paragraph or two – and more about WIIFM – What’s in it for them? – How can you help the client?
“The about me page is more than a picture of you and a couple of sentences about your site. It is more than saying, “I love to talk about pink unicorns and fluffy pillows. You can email me here.” It needs to sell you as someone who will trust you and will become that die-hard, loyal fan.“
Let’s see if you’ve been paying attention …
Hearing from readers puts a smile on my face and pep in my step.
So, I challenge you to tell me, What’s one idea for content that you could put on your About Me Page — something you KNOW will be valuable to your best kind of client?
(Highway bribery: Don’t forget to add your website link in your comment. It’ll help associate your website with the term “coach.”)
Dear Ken,
I am setting up a coaching business and I don’t really find the about us page challenging at all as we love to talk about ourselves – right!! BUT I would like to know if you have any free tips on pricing for 1 to 1 or groups at all.
Have a nice day 🙂
Pricing — such a fun topic.
Wish I had a quick n easy answer.
Mainly, I’d base it on the value the program offers (to the participant).
Build up that value.
Good luck, Sam.
I’ll help you create a life you love. Even if today you hate it.
This is no plain promise. In 2017 I was in such a rut that I tried to end my life. Obviously, it didn’t work out. But being stopped I decided: “If I have to stay here, it will be on my terms.” I decided that it’s time to be me. And I am.
My first “coaching client” was a co-worker who phoned me one year later in the middle of the night saying that he’s not gonna make it. He was released from psychiatric ward where he was sectioned after suicide attempt. And the daemons came back.
Over the phone, I guided him to overcome the urge and start living. Today he’s got life he loves, beautiful wife, and a three year old son. That night I realised that I have a gift that can help others to turn their life around.
Since then, I helped many others who were lost to remember who they were before the world told them something else. I can help with solving many life situations, but my speciality is to help people re-discover who they are, their values, and their purpose.
Now it’s your turn.
It’s time to be YOU!
Wow, dramatic story. I bet there’s a lot
of wisdom in there to be told at some point
or another — to clients, online, socially.
Your client stories are definitely unique to you.
Well done 😉
Hi Ken,
My website is being redone by a designer, and this is the way it looks for the moment. I know all too well how hard it is to write an About Me page, and would love your expert advice on this work in progress. The password, for now, is GROWTH. Best, Regan
Hi Regan! I had a peek. I really like this title because it speaks to your audience, those wanting to do something different.
‘You aren’t the same person at 25, 35 or 55 so why are you living the same life? I’m Regan …”
More “lead in” kind of headlines like that would be great on that page — imo.
Thanks for posting it here.
I’m redoing my entire site now that I’ve settled in on a coaching niche. In my ABOUT page, I’m going to talk about how my knowledge of hormone supporting foods can empower women to choose rather than react.
I remember figuring out my niche. It was exciting.
And like you, yes, there were many topics I could chime in on.
Exciting — maybe see the blog post format article I have. This:
Maybe I’m out of step here but if your website has content that properly tells what you can do for your clients, then the about me as a separate page should not be more of the same, but more about YOU your history, training and values so they get a feel for the person behind the coaching.
Also, a pet peeve of mine is coaches who are obviously solo describing themselves in their about page as “we” in an attempt to look as if they are an organisation.
Just my take on it.
Welcome to XYZ Coaching Incorporated.
XYZ Coaching Incorporated can help you realize your dreams.
Contact XYZ Coaching Incorporated to learn how we can help you.
(… then you click to the About Us page …)
Hello! I’m Jonny Smithy, and I love baking, sewing, and cats.
When I was a child, I heard the word “no” umpteen thousand times a day.
And … (blah, blah, blah) … became a coach.
I see it a lot, and I’m jesting, but a small part of me knows I may be pressing on some nerves. So, please find humor in this.
A better move is to be present, visible, and be the voice with your photo on the home page, your name there too. Within that voice, tell how you can help clients — speak about benefits to them.
A recent client who I helped do his own site did a good job of it. Seen here:
Wendy, I think you do this well on your website too, shown here:
I am with you on this one, there has to be additional ‘value’ I don’t link my about page from the top menu at all but at the same time it is very clear that the services are from a single person.
Thanks, Ken, for the reminder that the “about me” is essentially about the client and what they need and want to know. Having digested your remarks, I went back over both my home page and about page, and wove in a good bit of what I hope is “about you, my reader and potential client”. This is what it looks like:
Ahh, good to see another global bird of a feather, Regan.
AWESOME photo of you on that page!
I like this => “My clients often feel that they’re living someone else’s life. They sense there must be another way, but they don’t know where to start. I know what they mean.”
I’d like to see something like, “When they understand themselves better, deeper, they find a confidence, a power to choose, an energy that’s literally unstoppable and they can [insert something your clients want, which might be] design their life to their souls content.”
Something that points to the big picture, what’s really possible, exciting, great.
Great cohesive use of color there too, and easily readable fonts.
Thanks, Kenn, that’s a great help. It gets hard to tell what words work and what don’t when one’s up close and writing them oneself. And I appreciate your good feedback on the visuals. After trying several website designers, hearing from you that we’ve got it right means a lot.
I’d say the key is to talk less about yourself – at least in the first paragraph or two – and more about the WIFM (how can you help the client).
Yes, it’s the About ME page, so why would you talk about the clients’ needs, right? (wrong!) Yes, talk about yourself, but from the viewpoint of client-needs.
Always great to have your presence here master EG.
I’m going to pull a quote from you into the content above.
Btw, everyone, EG runs one of the biggest coach groups on LinkedIn, here:
The Coaches Support Group
Great tips. When a prospective client clicks on an About Me page, what they want to know is About YOU. They don’t necessarily want your life story and your complete CV, just to know who you are, both professionally and personally, how they can relate to you and why you may be able to do for them what they need.
I divided my About Page into sections in both my previous personal coaching site and now my Life Coaching Professionally information site at https://www.lifecoachingprofessionally.com/about-wendy-buckingham.html which I hoped was engaging and informative enough for visitors to trust.
Great insightful article. Here is my about page if you care to take a look and let me know what you think http://rationalredo.com/about/
Thanks, this was really helpful.
Thank you for sharing, in progress of creatimg my website.
Thank you!!! This is exactly what I needed💖💖💖
Hi Kenn, excellent advice, guidance and support for the websites – about me – page, ideas great and the opportunity on the page to highlight your strengths, skills, but what you offer to the clients that builds their confidence and belief that you can help reach their goals, the opportunity to show evidence of your passion,
dedication and commitment to the potential clients.
Dear Kenn,
The website that I built executiveleadershipcoachingthatworks.com is still a work in progress. I have actually procrastinated on building my website until two things happened: a friend who egged me on to create a website told me that ever since we talked about his website he finished his and I am still zero and when I was invited to a speaking engagement someone told me he looked for me in the web. Then I realized that I needed to put one up even if only to put in the basics such as name and contact number. I am also still in the process of learning wordpress that is why I am having difficulty creating my website.
So I will be re-writing my about me page based on your tips.
Thanks a lot.
Nothing like some friendly competition 😉 Might want to see what your friend has done next. You’re behind!
Dear Ken,
Thank you very much for your free content you send to us.
I want to let you know that I appreciate your work very much.
Last month when I check your website, I’ve been reading one of your posts that says something like “we need to be authentic and use our own pictures.
Sorry, cant name the post exactly.
What I want to say is that it made me use my own photos, witch I had in my laptop for a very longggggggg time and I was “hunting” the perfect pictures on many many websites…
That took me lot of time and I never fond “the perfect one”.
Since I ve read your post and decided to use my own pictures, saved me lot of time and…I realise I really like them and, for the moment, they are my perfect match.
My website is gts-agency.com
Still work in progress, but I am happy with it. ( Its built it myself).
I still can’t afford to follow one of your programs, but I am very grateful for the resources I’ve found on your website.
And I wanted to let you know and to Thank you!!! You do a great job!!!!
With good wishes,
Superb! Thanks for the kind words.
Good luck in your launch (btw, gts-agency.com isn’t up at the moment, make sure to click publish if using something like Wix)
Looking forward to it.
Thanks for sharing the great tips Kenn! I really resonate with the tip about sharing your Why.
Here’s my about page. http://marketingfromwithin.com/about-cindy/
And here’s a resource I put together with About Page best practices (no optin needed) http://marketingfromwithin.com/aboutpage
Brilliant! Love the bolded section to state benefits to clients. I find the welcoming voice (heart felt) to be attractive.
I like the part about “Sharing your stand” in your About Me Page best practices pdf there.
Thanks Kenn! Much appreciated.
Good article again Kenn. Made me finish updating my About me page that I’d been putting off doing.
Also made me take your advice (hopefully) and would love your comments for improvement.
Thanks so much for the inspiration and information. I’ve learned to listen to experts.
I love how you state what you believe.
Might want to get your photo on there, big, clear, smiley.
Also break up the text to digestible morsels.
Nicely written, very personal, and you speak of the pains … excellent!
Thanks for sharing your site here.
Great article! Was just doing my Meet Mitzi page and the tips are perfect! Thanks as always for the brilliance!
While your About Me Page might seem like the perfect place to indulge in talking about yourself, just remember that what your visitors (think: future clients) really yearn for is to bond with you in a meaningful, exciting way.
This says it all for me! Thanks Kenn
Very inspiring Louise. Love the personal touch. I’d be eager to read your full About Me page and see your journey unfold. Thank for sharing that.
There came a time in my life when, in spite of the internal messages coming from a relentless inner critic I simply stood up, pointed my body in my chosen direction, and pressed forward and upward. Climbing Mt. Whitney in California in my 60th year was the best first step. At 67, a retired Licensed Mental Health Counselor and now Certified Life Coach, I am entering a new phase of physical and internal fitness to assist individuals and groups to also stand up and press forward, and in so doing, arrived at your site and am taking it all in.
These are great tips not just for aspiring coaches but for seasoned veterans as well. Nice list.
1. I grew up in a culture which promoted the “ideal” to such an extent that the “real” was hidden, kept secret, didn’t cause disruption. We probably all know this well– I’ve made a career (which I love) of being with people who are facing their “real” and the better for it.
2. At the same time I felt cherished by so many adults who were truly interested in what I was doing… a committed community… beyond my immediate family. You’ve heard the phrase,” you can’t give what you don’t have”? I have plenty of cherishing/community to give others.
3. Realizing I had to find my own way, left the known (and people who loved me, but one where I wasn’t thriving) and moved…made more brave moves…so,out of Kansas…and you know, there is “no place like home” and fortunately, that’s wherever you are.
Hey Mary.
It sounds like a value and lesson of success that you help your clients with is to “discover their real”.
And when doing so, they are better for it. Perhaps it grounds people and gives them a resource that is more useful than if one doesn’t come from an honest, true place? (I’m injecting my own words to help point out how this reality is good for your clients.)
I wonder how you’d say it.
Awesome article. Thanks!
Three things in my story : from teen run away, young mother and wife to successful corporate professional, followed hunch/own truth and spent 12 years doing personal transformational change work to better serve clients (coaching) and spent almost 3 years in India doing research and taking classes. yes.. that would be the three.
Hey Kathleen, great to have you here. This comment ended up in my junk folder, so I apologize for the late response. Great opportunities to point out major life lessons – clients like that stuff. 😀
Three things love this being to the point and perfect as I am redoing my website.
1. As a kid, didn’t fit in. Felt the work dropped me off with the wrong family.
2. Not happy with self or marriage. Life in transition. Went on a journey of personal discovery. Now a recovering people pleaser, perfectionist and procrastinator who has learned to value my authentic self, be confident and own my power.
3. As a therapist and now Life Coach, I empower others to trust their inner wisdom be their authentic selves and thrive.
I love your website!! and your niche is great! Beautiful well done…