Pondering coaching domain name

10 Keys to a Catchy Coaching Website Domain Name

Below are my ten best coaching website domain name tips ā€” with many examples too!

These days, it can be tough to find the perfect one because so many are taken, and it can be difficult to decide. :

I think the suggestions below will help. So, thinking cap on!

Coaching website names are disappearing every day.

But luckily for you, even though many of the .com ones are fewer and fewer, new creative ones like .life and .coach and .works could do the trick.

While I’d try aim for a .com, I’d also consider the newer domain name extensions for your coaching website because:

  • they can be great for branding
  • they have a current, cutting-edge feel

So, if you can’t find the one you want, don’t fret and try others.

NOTE: Before diving into coaching website domain names …

Registering your domain name and buying hosting from the same provider is good, if possible.

Doing so reduces tech headaches with nameserver settings and email setup that occur when the name registrar and hosting provider are different companies.

I like BlueHost.com for setting up new sites. I’ve changed host companies once in 20 years, and BlueHost is pretty good. They focus on WordPress, are cost-effective, and things run well.

For me, hosting services should work, not cost much, and not be something I need to waste time on.

This YouTube video shows you how to get a WordPress website going with BlueHost, How to Set Up Your Coaching Website on WordPress. This is the self-hosted kind of setup that I recommend.

OK, let’s dive in to find you a super-duper coaching website domain name …

Key #1. Get a Coaching Domain Name That YOUR CLIENTS Like

You’ll hear me say it like a broken record, “your website is all about the client.

And so, the first key to a great coaching domain name is that it appeals to your best kinds of clients.

Spend a little time thinking about that lucky guy or gal (called a persona among usability geeks) and what they are after. What are their goals, desires, and wishes?

Can you work out a domain name idea that speaks to those interests?

If needed, gather a few domain name ideas and run them by a few great past clients or would-be-great potential clients.

Key #2. Make Sure Your Domain Name is Easy to Read

Online, we love it when things are easy and hate it when they are difficult.

If we struggle to read your domain name, it’s a minus. And, the more minuses people have with your website, the faster they leave.

So make sure it’s effortless to read.

How I came up with CoachingSitesThatWork.com

paris office and neighborhood

Paris Design Studios 2008

Minimal but essential biz ops for maximal traceability.

This was my makeshift office atop a maid’s quarter in Paris, my work-while-traveling adventure. TrĆ©s Bien!

It was a year or two after I got coachingsitesthatwork.com to make my coach-focused web design services official.

I had gone crazy trying to come up with the name ā€” my head blew up. When all the king’s horses and all the king’s men pieced me back together, I gave up trying and asked a bunch of coaches to choose a domain name for me.

If you can’t decide, let your clients choose for you! šŸ˜‰

Are you hoping for a coaching business to give you massive lifestyle output ā€” like time flexibility, location independence (travel, visit, live anywhere at any time), income, and work with choice clients on exciting projects? With the web, some savvy, and a little guts, you can do it too!

Key #3. Simpler is better

Simpler words are easier to remember, spell, and share. And that’s great for marketing.

A domain name like www.CoachJohn.com is infinitely better than www.JohnStephensonsBusinessCoachingandConsultingFirmLLC.com.

Since shorter domain names get snatched up quickly, try adding a word if your idea isn’t available.

For example, if CoachJohn.com is taken, try SuccessCoachJohn.com or BusinessCoachJohn.com.

Key #4. Find a website domain name that’s easy to remember

How many times have you tried to recall a website’s name later on and forget it? What was that website again?

Also, if it’s easy to recall, it’s more likely to be shared with others.

Which of these two will be easier to recall:

  1. DreamInspireTransform.com
  2. TransformYourLife.com

Which of these website names is easier to remember?

  1. CoachingWithKathrynn.com
  2. CoachingWithKate.com

Make it easy to remember.

Key #5. Find a Name That’s Easy to Spell

Some domain names are easy to read and understand but challenging to spell.

For example, CounsellorJeannetteGreene.com sounds simple when spoken, but good luck spelling that correctly.

If you have a difficult-to-spell name but really, really, really want it, then purchase the misspellings as well. Then redirect them to the correct name so that people can use any of the names to get to your website.

For example, my name is Kenn Schroder, often misspelled as Ken Schroeder. So I would need to buy these four domain names:

  • KennSchroder.com (correct)
  • KenSchroder.com (first name misspelling)
  • KennSchroeder.com (last name misspelling)
  • KenSchroeder.com (first and last name misspelling)

Key #6. Choose a Coaching Domain Name That Expresses a Benefit

Remember, your clients want good things for their lives, work, and relationships. If your domain name can tickle their fancies, they’ll happily visit you.

Can you see how www.OvercomeLifeObstacles.com and HealthTipsforComputerGeeks.com imply benefits?

Try listing out a bunch of benefits that your coaching can bring to clients, and find one good word to mix into your domain name.

People love benefits ;D

Key #7. Find a Domain Name That Says What You Do

If your domain name doesn’t have a benefit, another smart approach is to use a word that says what you do, like coach or coaching ā€” or more loosely guide, advisor, supporter.

A few examples:

  • www.ADHDSupport.com.au – Jan helps people with ADHD
  • www.BusinessCoachJane.com obviously offers business coaching
  • www.SelfcareWithSue.com which tells what Jen helps with

A great tool for finding the right words is OneLook.com, which is a dictionary search tool.

Key #8. Be sure your domain name is available

When great ideas pop into your mind, quickly check availability using GoDaddy.com.

You can buy the name right away to reserve it, but if you’re ready to build now on WordPress, then I suggest getting both the name and hosting over at BlueHost.com.

If it is taken, it’s time for word-smithing using the keys on this page.

For example, since www.SuccessCoach.com is taken, try www.YourSuccessCoach.com or www.SuccessCoachAdam.com, or even www.SucceedWithAdam.com.

Key #9. Go for a .com domain name

Go for a domain name that ends in “.com” because that’s what people expect and automatically type in.

Avoid .net, .org, or other extensions that look weird. And again, strange, odd, and confusing cause hesitation and distrust in visitors.

If finding a good .com is proving impossible, I’m ok with other extensions (that’s what the ending is called) like .coach, .works, and .life because they are related and can keep your domain name from getting too long.

For example, Leader.Works is Kevin Kissinger’s leadership coaching website domain name.

Also, using your country’s extension is a good move, like JanBavea.com.au. This is ideal for targeting local clients.

Key #10. Add keywords if you can, but don’t sweat it

It might be difficult enough to find a name that’s simple, appealing, and available.

Adding keywords in your website’s domain name, while helpful for being found, might make it very long and clumsy ā€” and thus, difficult to remember.

Keywords in your domain aren’t necessary to get a high ranking. Back then, one could stuff keywords into the domain name and around their content and do well. But those are days long gone.

Top search position comes from worthy, hard-earned efforts like great content, quality inbound links, user-friendly design, and more.

Try for keywords, but don’t lose sleep over it.

Two examples of website domain names with Keywords

My website’s domain name (I lost a lot of sleep about it) is CoachingSitesThatWork.com.

  • the keywords coach and site are in my name
  • it expresses a benefit ā€” a website “that works”
  • it’s simple and easy enough to understand and spell
  • sadly, it’s not the easiest to remember, as people think “coaching websites”

In working with a client of mine, we came up with TheSuccessfulBuilder.com and chose not to go with BusinessCoachingForBuilders.com because it was longer and clumsier even though it does have more keywords in it.

So, if you can smoothly work in some keywords, go for it.

More Examples of Good Coaching Website Domain Names

Both www.LawBizMastery.com and www.AttorneyBusinessSpecialist.com are excellent because they express a benefit and tell what you do. I prefer the shorter one because it’s easier to remember and spell.

www.InTheBusinessOfLife.com is good because it says what the website is about. It speaks to its target audience: business executives who want to improve their personal lives.

www.GetReadyToLead.com is excellent because it speaks to those who wish to become better leaders. It’s also easy to recall and spell. Nice!

www.EbookCoach.com – It obviously says what the website is about. However, this domain has been taken for a long time. EbookCoachBrian.com could work as well as WritingCoachJohn.com.

www.PeaceLoveAndJoyWithGrace.com – This would be a bit long, but it is quite clear. I’d be OK with it, especially if Grace were working with women who had a lot of pain, suffering, and negativity in their lives.

www.LifeCoachJohn.com – This is great because it’s easy to remember, spell, and pass on to others. It also indicates what John does.

www.PermanentFatLoss.com – For a health coach targeting people who struggle to lose weight and keep it off, this domain name is excellent. Though, it’s long been taken. www.PermanentFatLossWithJim.com would work.

www.NaturallyLeanAndHealthy.com is probably available and would be suitable for a health coach who is also a fitness coach.

www.JaneSmithCoaching.com – This is a superb choice because it’s likely available, tells what the site is about, and is super simple to say, spell, and remember.

More stuff to help …

  • More examples here: Find the Perfect Domain Name and Setup WordPress.
  • GoDaddy.com is the domain name registration powerhouse on the market. Use them as a tool for searching for available domain names and buying in bulk ā€” or if you want to get your name now and aren’t going to build for a long while.

What’s your domain name? Post it below!

Thinking about your domain name? Got some ideas? Struggling at all? If so, post below.

Be sure to hit LIKE and include your URL below, and you’ll get on Kenn’s fave people list. Oh, the link will give you a small boost in SEO, and others can visit you too.

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  1. Thank you for this information. I’m a personal trainer with 39 years experience. Delving into wellness coaching via Precision Nutrition. Niche focus: semaglutide weight losers. Domain name: nourishandflourish.coach. I’m curious to know your reaction. .com is taken. Will go to bluehost from here-would have used GoDaddy. Thank you for that. Sincere regards. AJC

    1. Hey AJC … I’d not be afraid of .coach domains. I’d go with it.
      Lots of .com names are taken. I’d also consider AndrewCameron.com if you own it.
      (it’s already registered).

  2. Hi Ken,

    Thank you for the great article!
    I’m contemplating my domain name for my Nutrition Coaching website. I’ve narrowed it down to two option:


    My name is Ellisha but people often spell it incorrectly, leaving out one L is common (Elisha) so I figured my nickname “Lisha” would be better for the domain name.


    Thank you!

    1. Maybe … isn’t there something with “hang your shingle” about having a coaching business?

      Have you seen all the coaching platforms out there? Quite a few … not that it’s a reason to not create another one, but I’d look at those as competitors to see where/how you’d fit in or do better.

      But, you probably have some intel on this.

      I like the shortness of the name … very short. Easy to recall and spell. Nice.

  3. Hi Kenn, one aspect I have been struggling with is my website name. Specifically, a few of the names I really like are not available with a “.com” extension. Being based in Canada, I know I could use the “.ca” extension instead. I guess I am wondering if you think its more advantageous to think of a name that has both a .com as well as a .ca extension available. I have read a number of articles stressing the importance of having a .com extension, so that’s why I am a little hesitant to choose a name with only the .ca ending.
    My business will be as a personal running coach and Iā€™m hoping to have a local group that I meet for in-person coaching, in addition to coaching clients online. Thanks for your insight on this!

    1. Hey Andrew.

      I know it can be tough to make the final decision on your domain name.

      You may want to go with .ca and see if you can’t get traction with your small group first, before going global. Esp if this is all new.

      But yeah, I’d go for a .com where possible.

      What are the names you’re considering? Post them below so I can buy them and resell them to you for millions ;P. Just kidding.

      If you do choose, post what you decided.

      You can also try “running” your domain name by 10 people you’re considering for the club, feedback will help.

      Will you do that? If so, can you come back and post the findings?

      Great question. Domains can be tough to sort out. Feels so permanent.

      1. Hi Ken,
        you are right when you said choosing a domain feels so permanent. I think that’s why I have spent so long trying to find a name that I really like. I am leaning towards going for a .com as you suggested. Its not easy to find a good .com domain that doesn’t cost thousands, but I have managed to come up with a shortlist that I like. I am running my list of names by some people to get their feedback, as you suggested in your post. I would be happy to come back on and post what I end up going with. Thanks again Kenn for your sound, professional advice.

  4. I can’t speak for others but it seems often when I am in a self-debate you come up with an article that helps move the needle (albeit in my case a relatively slow needle). Great article. I have chosen my domain name and will provide by pm for your feedback (I haven’t bought it yet). Thanks for all the helpful information and encouragement and congrats on Version 3 of The Coaching Website guide.

  5. Hi Kenn, I’m very happy with the domain name:

    But I have done no real work on SEO and not sure where to start. (I use Yoast on WordPress.)

    My main focus is trying to build blog traffic but I also attract a few coaching clients. Any suggestions?

    Cheers, Leigh

  6. Thank you for this! I’ve been reading your blog posts for a while now and they have been super helpful. I’m just starting to branch out into coaching and developed my website, http://therelationshipexpert.co

    I’m a little worried my reach is too wide and I should narrow down my target audience more, but still pondering that….

    Thanks for all of your helpful content!!! -Katherine

    1. Cool domain name Katherine. Like it!
      You can certainly start to narrow by simply “hanging out” in a narrower space, and then see if you get traction.
      Tweak your message and see how goes.

  7. Hello Kenn,
    Sending appreciation to you for all the great tips and advice you post. OMG! I spent years trying to land on that perfect domain, only to find that names I like were already taken or cost a lot. Thus I ended up using my last name. WascovichCoaching. I would like to to have a softer feel via different fonts or imagery, but I’d probably require technical help. Tina

    1. Very welcome. I know it. I struggled with coachingsitesthatwork.com for a long time and then just gave up and had some coaches (my market) give me the name. It’s kinda tricky to “build your dream business” which may seeming be “all about you” and in ways it is important to serve you, but when it comes to the buying decision, the client’s gotta love your site. Then one’s gotta be authentic too – which is all about you but in a way, appealing to the client. Tricky.

  8. When following the suggestion to say what you do, is it a necessary consideration for the domain to align with/correspond with the name of your company.practice?

    1. Nope … I would make my website name serve the client. If it happens to match your business name, then cool.

      In fact, you may have several website names and addresses under the umbrella of your company name.

    1. Wed thy name šŸ˜‰

      Fun theme “spark”

      I like the simplicity.

      I took a quick look at your website, and you might want to make your free giveaway more prominent and retitle it from “Free Values Assessment” to something that ties to being happy, fulfilled doing meaningful work.

      Like “Find Your Core Values to Find Work You’ll Love” … benefits are what clients are after.

  9. GREAT article. very clear, informative and very useful. Thank you for this awesome free resource.